Saturday, August 30, 2008

Episode #6 Next Weekend... Maybe?

Yeah, I don't know. We are all, apparently, busy little beavers. And no, Judge, I don't mean vaginas.

My hope is that once the semester is properly in gear we'll be able to be more regular, but for now since most of either work at or attend some sort of academic institution, we're all preoccupied.

As an aside, I did say I wanted to keep the site moving by writing more blog-type stuff. Well, the bad news is that obviously I haven't. The good news is that I have been writing, just not here. I'm doing freelance writing for a site called, basically an article database of sorts. It's a little cooler than that, though, as I get to write about whatever I want.

You can find my latest articles in that ugly little misshapen widget on the bottom right pane of the site. You can also reach them from my profile here. I've got some real general WoW stuff up there that's probably no use to anyone, and some more interesting Rock Band stuff. Hopefully some more interesting WoW articles will be up in the future. Plus there are a lot of good games coming out before year's end, so expect to hear me sound off on those too. I'm a bit pressed for time as late, but I may squeeze in the occasional blog post here, too.

While I'm busy pimping my own stuff, I thought I should I try and direct more traffic to Mike's site too. just got a new layout if I remember correctly, so head on over and check it out.