Saturday, September 13, 2008

All Things Awesome Episode 6, Part 2: Video Games and Fall Movie Preview

Here's part 2.

Download it here: All Things Awesome Episode #6-2 (right click and save as)
(recorded: Sunday 9/13, hosts: Schmitty, Mike, Foz, Tim, Shawn) duration: 53 minutes, 24.5mb)

The times listed in the show notes may be about a minute off.

00:00 - 49:00: Force Unleashed demo, Too Human demo, story elements in these games
9:00 - 54:00: Castle Crashers, looting in multiplayer games
14:00 - 1:00:30: Rock Band 2 peripherals, EMusic, peripheral compatability
20:30 - 1:06:00: Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog, technology
26:00 - 1:10:00: New movie lightning round! Bangkok Dangerous, Burn After Reading and other Coen brothers films
30:00 - 1:16:00: Sam Jackson torments people as we skirt the edge of racism, Blindness and debating the quality of the Constant Gardener, Choke, grammar hour on ATA, Red Band trailers
36:00 - 1:24:00: Saw V, Righteous Kill, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Tim doesn't know who John Cusack is, Zack and Mirri Make a Porno and assorted Kevin Smith stuff
44:00 - 1:30:28: Max Payne movie, Schoenectady, NY, Body of Lies, The Departed, new Guy Ritchie movie, Ray Liotta in Narc
51:00 - Quantum of Solace? and more Bond... SURPRISE ENDING!

(What actually happened is the room we were recording in was apparently reserved by some sort of math club or something? So mid-recording someone came in and told us we had to vacate. We didn't have that much more to go, so we figured we may as well just cut it short at that point).

1 comment:

Mike said...

The movie is call Synecdoche, New York, which takes place in Schenectody, NY.

I also made an error. Max Payne is directed by John Moore who did the recent The Omen remake. Not Constantine. That was Francis Lawrence.