Monday, July 21, 2008

Contrary to popular belief...

Killing Nazis does eventually get boring. Even ones who are empowered by occult magic and/or scientific experiments gone awry. Can you believe they're making another Wolfenstein game? I'm not usually a hater, but I'm so underwhelmed by this announcement. The whole venture just seems doomed to mediocrity. First of all, the game was already remade in the early aughts. To be fair, the remake was only 9 years after the groundbreaking original, but when the press release says things like:
"From id Software’s critically-acclaimed and multi-million unit selling Wolfenstein universe"
it sounds like they're trying a little to hard. First of all, Id's game was based on Castle Wolfenstein, a 1982 computer game that was arguably more innovative in the first place. Not to take anything away from Id here - they've always been ahead of the curve technology-wise, but for the most part their game design is pretty mediocre. Wolf3d had all of 5 different types of enemies, one of which is pretty much just a reskin of the basic guard. Honestly now, I think the original Super Mario Brothers had more than that in the first level.

Anyway, my point was that it's scarcely a franchise. The 2001 remake was overseen, but not developed by Id, and this game looks to be the same sort of operation. On the plus, I'm inclined to trust Raven, who are at the helm of the new game, more than the since-absorbed Grey Matter (who were responsible both for the actually very solid Kingpin game as well as the unfortunate Redneck Rampage games)... but Raven is not exactly known for their innovation. Heretic was just a good Doom retread, Hexen was just a good Heretic retread, and Quake 4 was just a good Quake 2 retread. With the exception of the X-Men Legends and Marvel Ultimate Alliance series, when's the last time you even heard of another Raven game mentioned?

I have little doubt that Wolfenstein will be at least an okay, if not altogether good game, much like Quake 4 before it (they're even based on the same engine). But even with all the fun Nazi occultism and sci-fi elements, and fuzzy memories of playing Wolf3d on high school computers, I doubt I'll be willing to shell out for anything more than a rental come release.

-- Schmitty

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